
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

More Thoughts From Our Family Cookbook Editors

A few weeks ago we published some comments from our Family Cookbook Project Editors and what they thought about their experiences with us.

Here are some more comments:

It was fun to work with my grandson putting together the book. I wish we had started earlier!
Gramma Jean Mangiafico
In the Kitchen with Gramma Jean & Alex

I thought this website was very user friendly and I have had absolutely no problems.  I have given family members access to it while it is being created and they love that!
Carol Valentini Payne
The Valentini Family Cookbook Project
I thought this entire process was exciting. I created this for my family without anyone knowing about it. It was a lot of work, well worth it, but if I were to do it over again I would make it more of a family project.
Lynne Babcis
Babci's Favorite Recipes

I have always wanted to put together a book of old family recipes and favorites from my family members, including current ones that have become favorites.  This seemed to be the perfect vehicle to do that for me.  Although it is slow going, I do enjoy the process.  I have recipes from my mother from long ago and I have always saved recipes that I liked, so I have a ton.  Thanks for the opportunity for input and I will certainly appreciate any new improvements to the website. 
Pat Bonner 
Dalton Family Cookbook

It was the best Christmas presents I have ever given my kids. They were so excited to have their own book with all their favorites recipes from childhood.
Francine Portelance
Mom's Cookbook Recipes

The site is clean and works. Better than that it is simple enough for non Computer/Internet people – I know because I know some people like that who enjoy it. The interface is wonderful and easy to use too. But, the customer service is amazing. When I started with my cookbook, I had a few technical questions and they were all addressed quickly with easy to understand replies. I, my family, wanted only an online place to share recipes. But, I can only assume that the other aspects of the site would work just as well. On a scale of one to ten I give it an eleven.
Fred Robinson
The REM Family Cookbook Project

From start to finish it was easy to do.The web site was easy to navigate. Our finished book, "Nanny's Recipes" turned out great. We sold out of our first printing and had to reorder. There was a problem with the printing of the second book but your company handled it to our satisfaction. I would certainly use your company again and we have family members already asking to make a second book. 
Johnsie Hale
Nanny's Recipes

My sister and I live halfway across the country from each other. We are compiling a book of the recipes we grew up with and new recipes we can share across the miles. The cookbook project allows me to extend the deadline for contributions when we want to add new recipes. 

Linda and Kathy Davis

The Davis Daughters' Cookbook

I started this cookbook to pass along my family recipes to my son on his marriage, but it grew into a family project with 700+ recipes from both sides of the family and several generations.  I loved sitting with my Mom and hearing stories about her great-grandmother's recipes. This cookbook is really priceless.  I printed copies for the 'next generation' (my sons, neices and nephews).  I use my printed copy all the time, as well as the smartphone app when I'm in the grocery store, or the web app when I want to share a recipe with a friend.  Love it!

Food for the Soul

Family Cookbook Project became the catalyst and the mechanism by which my family collected, archived and shared among all generations treasured recipes that might otherwise have been lost. 


Generations Cookbook Holland & Weese

I was very pleased with my Arcudi Family Cookbook. My family absolutely LOVED this book and I have no doubt I will be putting in additional orders for some cousins who wanted this book after they saw it. I wished I had more time to put in more pictures, but I was on a deadline for Christmas. This book was meant to be a family legacy for future generations with the story I included with each recipe. Thank you. 

Arcudi Family Cookbook

Your site allowed me to record, preserve and share my mother's recipes, pictures and memories with many family members and friends. It is a keepsake we will treasure forever.  


Mrs. Parsley Remembered

The biggest surprise was the delight of the people who received this cookbook.  They could not get over how wonderful the book looked, the photos and the family recipes. 


Memories of Nonna Cia

When I decided to do "Four Sisters, A Legacy of Love from our Kitchens", it was a two fold project:  A one stop place to have our family favorite recipes and a fund raiser for both Diabetes and Crohn's organizations on behalf of two of our grandchildren.  I loved being able to contact the company and talk to an actual person with concerns and questions.  I loved that they worked with us on our cover allowing us to use the design and photos we wanted.  I was a bit naïve thinking I "might" sell 50 and the orders came in just by word of mouth on facebook and we sold over 300 and were able to make a nice donation to our causes.  We have requests to do a second printing and maybe one of these days we will do just that!  Highly recommend this professional company!

Four Sisters, A Legacy of Love from our Kitchens